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Brent Peterson (Owner)

Back in 2015 I was working a corporate job in St. Louis as a broker in Logistics.  I was very successful in the brokering but realized that business to business sales had revolutionized to more of a price driven market in my industry because the internet gave businesses the ability to have access to millions of brokers.  I really wanted to be in a business' to customer market.  I knew that if I had a tough skill set and did a good job, customers would appreciate my skill for my skill and not just the price.  One day I was reading an article on up and coming industries and noticed that window tinting was listed as an industry that had grown 10% over the past 10 years and had no projection of slowing down for the next 15 years.  I was very intrigued by this and noticed it was already a thriving marketplace and was sitting at 6 billion dollars already.  I then realized that i could practice this skill after work at home.   On my lunch break, I went to a window tinting distributor and asked them to give me everything needed to tint a car.  When I got home from work that evening, I jumped on youtube and watched a few videos to get the basics.  I was hooked because it was difficult but yet the concept/logic of it was simple.  I started practicing in my one car garage everyday after work until I felt I could actually service someone. I had a rough year with a lot of failures but did notice that I was certainly pretty good and decided in mid 2017 to get my LLC.  I didn't have enough money to rent/buy a shop so I started doing mobile tinting.  I would load up my car with all the goods needed and just tint the vehicle in the customers garage.  I knew this would make my company grow faster because very few window tinting companies do that.  I also knew that it would broaden my exposure because I was doing jobs from as far as Evansville to St. Louis. I then started a shop in Lebanon, IL (the town I learned to tint in) in 2020 and then another in Woodlawn, IL in 2020 as well. Today, the tint market is around 15 billion dollars and No Squint Tint is one of the most reputable tint shops in Southern Illinois.  I contribute the success of the company to our mindset of, "Tint everything as if it was yours". We focus and discuss on a weekly basis how to make our customers experience better.  We plan to go as big as possible but I will only expand if it doesn't interfere with the customer service aspect of the company.  I love my job and I can't imagine doing anything else. Truly.


Rhonda is the office manager and scheduler for No Squint Tint. She also happens to be Brent’s mother. She is happily married and enjoys spending time with her children and 9 grand children. Rhonda has been with No Squint Tint since it became a business.  She loves watching NST thrive and grow. She feels blessed to have a job she loves and really enjoys working with Brent and looks forward to many years.

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Colton reached out to Brent in 2021 about a position at No Squint Tint because it was summer and he needed a job.  Brent agreed to bring him on and said he could start off cleaning windows and we would go from there.  Colton never stopped working from day one and is now a very skilled window tint tech for No Squint Tint.  He is skilled in a variety of technical skill sets like vinyl work and paint protection film as well.  No Squint Tint is very thankful to have someone like Colton on the team and look forward to many more years with him.

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